If you follow my work, you already know I am obsessed with these products. If you are used to working with tiny brushes or paint markers on canvas to get crisp fine lines, but get tired of uneven applications and paint running out too quickly then this is the solution for you!
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Fine Line Bottle Options:
Precision Fineline Applicator (Slim 1 oz. bottle)
This option is my ultimate favorite fine lining bottle and is the one I use most often on Instagram. The new slim design is easier to handle, and the plastic is softer and easier to squeeze. I prefer the 20 gauge bottles (blue-tipped).
Blick Art Materials
Precision Fineline Applicators (1.25 oz bottle)
This is the product I first fell in love with. Again, I use the 20 gauge bottles. The tip is a little bit smaller, so I am able to get thinner lines with the right control.
Blick Art Materials
30ml Needle Tip Quilling Glue Bottles
These bottles have a wider opening, but can still perform really well for fine lining. I also use them when making my fluid flower paintings.
Paint Recipe:
When filling these bottles with acrylic paint, you are going to need to dilute your paints a little bit for optimal flow. I use a soft-bodied paint like Liquitex Basics mixed with a small amount of water.
For my metallic silvers and golds, I currently use cheap craft paint. They are already quite thin so they don’t need any water mixed in.
I do not fill the bottles all the way, as a full bottle is often harder to squeeze. If the paint doesn’t come out easily, add a little more water. If paint pours out of the bottle, you need more paint.
Care and Tips:
These bottles can clog! It is important to always cap your bottles right when you are finished using them. Especially with the Precision Applicators. Letting paint dry in the tip can ruin the bottle.
I keep a spool of 26 gauge wire in my studio to run through the tips if they do clog. For stubborn clogs, disassemble the tip and soak in hot soapy water. Try running the wire through the tip every couple of hours until the clog breaks loose.

Give your hands a break and be patient!
If you are like me and get distracted for hours with detail work, your hand is going to get crazy sore. Stretch them out a couple of times an hour.
Also, since the bottles are a little awkward, your lines won’t be precise and controlled right away. Give yourself time to practice!
Thanks for reading!
Just came across your work for the first time, beautiful. I have looked at many different airtists who are using paint pouring but have never seen anyone use the fine tip appicators to finish off their work. It really make a difference. I dont know if you answer questions or not but I figured I would ask. Have you ever used Elmer’s glue as your medium? I see many other artists using that as their medium.
Hi Sue,
Thanks so much for appreciating my work! I have a lot of fun with the fine tip bottles. I had used Elmer’s glue when I was just starting to experiment with fluid painting, but I quickly changed mediums to Floetrol once I got the hang of things.